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Third Party Risk Assessment

Understand your supply chain

A third-party risk assessment is crucial for any business that relies on third-party vendors, suppliers, and partners. It helps identify and assess the risks associated with the third party's operations, systems, and processes that could affect an organisation's operations, data, and reputation. Pragma offers third-party risk assessments as part of its consultancy services to help businesses proactively identify and mitigate these risks, ensuring regulatory compliance, protecting reputation, and gaining a competitive edge.

Improved security

We empower organisations to take proactive measures to mitigate security risks that come with using third-party vendors.

Regulatory compliance

Our third-party risk assessments help organisations ensure compliance with the complex regulatory requirements related to vendor management, data protection, and privacy.

Risk mitigation

We identify potential risks associated with third-party vendors and help you develop strategies to mitigate these risks, reducing the risk of disruption to business operations.

Cost reduction

We help organisations identify potential inefficiencies and risks associated with third-party vendor relationships, allowing them to streamline operations and reduce costs. Pragma's assessments provide a roadmap for optimising vendor relationships and reducing costs.

Why Choose Pragma?

Pragma specialises in performing third-party risk assessments, offering added value to clients and setting them apart from competitors.

Pragma provides a comprehensive report that outlines any issues found during the assessment and recommendations for improvement, ensuring that businesses have a clear path forward to address any potential risks.

Contact us today to discuss how our third-party risk assessment services can help your business mitigate risks, ensure regulatory compliance, reduce costs, safeguard your reputation, and gain a competitive advantage.

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